(Toronto, February 1, 2008) – The expanding market share of Telemed Diagnostic Management Inc. (TeleMED) is reaching another key landmark, as it completes the implementation of the company’s first contract with a medical laboratory in Alberta.
The new customer is Dynacare Kasper Medical Laboratories (DKML), which provides comprehensive laboratory testing services to hospitals, regional healthcare systems, business and industry.
A spokesperson for DKML said TeleMED’s new web-based management system,viTELflow3, was selected because it provides improved access to essential information and greater control over management processes. Most important, viTELflow3 provides the best support for DKML’s two key business objectives: enhancing patient health and well-being through the delivery of efficient and effective laboratory services; providing vital information and resources that meet client needs.
“DKML has high standards and expectations,” noted Asa Lebel, President of TeleMED. “Winning its business demonstrates once again that we offer more value and functionality than competing products. Moreover, we are confident that DKML will be just the first of many labs that take advantage of the many benefits offered exclusively by viTELflow3.”
TeleMED, Canada’s leading provider of vital-sign data management technology, now has operations in four provinces. The other three are Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia, where the company already manages more than one million new tests annually.
viTELflow is a single-platform, pay-for-use product that delivers excellent results in medical laboratories, hospitals, clinical research organizations and homecare settings – or any other environment where multiple locations or multiple departments handle ECG, Stress , Holter, Spirometry or Ambulatory Blood Pressure tests.
For more information, please contact Stephen Chernoff at 416-665-8556 or visit the TeleMED web site: https://www.telemeddiagnostic.com