GDML Accelerates Productivity, Reduces Costs
Telemed Diagnostic Management Inc. (TeleMED) is pleased to announce a successful completion to the ECG Enhancement Project that it collaboratively undertook with its long-time client, Gamma Dynacare Medical Laboratories (GDML).
GDML and other Ontario healthcare providers faced significant reductions in revenue when the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care reduced its reimbursements for ECG tests in 2012. GDML had been using TeleMED technology for a number of years to manage its ECG test data. Therefore, when it looked for ways to cut costs to offset these reductions, it turned to TeleMED for advice and ideas. As a result, TeleMED and GDML launched a project to interface GDML’s order entry system to its TeleMED application, to standardize and automate work flow at GDML’s Patient Service Centres and to centralize and automate the process of distributing test results to GDML’s referring physicians.
The ECG Enhancement Project has produced positive results for GDML. ECG operations have been simplified and accelerated at Patient Service Centres, providing more options for allocating human resources. Thanks to the expanded use of TeleMED’s cloud-based ViTELflo application, GDML has achieved far better visibility into its operations and can now quickly bottlenecks in the processing stream. Storing and retrieving test data is standardized and accelerated. GDML delivers a service to its physicians and patients that is more responsive and more reliable.